Jane Thatcher is a whirling dervish of dreamy pop with firecracker-like spunk and kinetic stage energy. With one taste of her chocolate-flavored voice, foot-stomping rhythms and heartfelt lullabies, you'll see why she stirs the souls of audiences at large clubs and intimate stages.
Originally from Salt Lake City, Utah her musical accomplishmets have spread like wildfire once landing in Chicago. Highlights include large festivals and venues including Widow's Peak, Lincoln Hall and Loyola University-- in addition she's created a professional music video for the song “Good Reasons” and an new full-length album with CAUDog Records, “Poundin' A Heartbeat”.
Considering this has all occurred within a year and a half, she is creating a whilwind of support for her music. Her rhythm guitar and original music is an adventure in high spirits and positive energy.
As a solo performer she is enchanting, and she has stacked the deck for her music career by also teaming up with a band of talented musicians. Her high-octane group The Steadfast Acrobats, which appears on the album, offers a solid retro-rock pulse that creates polished, poppy Americana for the masses.
Raised in a community built around the Mormon faith, she saw from an early age that she had different beliefs and spent years in a metapmorphasis that had finally resulted in her life in Chicago with an emphasis on music. Jane has been composing songs, singing and creating albums since high school, and is currently working on the entire musical score for a World War ii-themed musical by James Drake.
As a social worker working with disenfranchised people, families and children she sees another perspective to the culture we all live in and strives to make a positive difference. A singer-songwriter initially inspired by Jewel, as well as artists from the 1960's and 1970's with passion for social change, Jane sees music as art that allows people to experience a new reality.
LINK TO VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/user/SteadfastAcrobats
JANE'S WEBSITE: www.janethatchermusic.com
CAUDOG RECORDS: http://www.chicagoacoustic.net
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